

Everyone we eng年龄 with accesses their power and is filled with joy and wonder.


毅力、力量和条件 offers group fitness classes and personalized, 针对个别学生的针对性辅导, 他们的家庭, 还有索利伯里学校的工作人员, 每个人都是学生。. Our coaching is a fee-based, professional service (scholarships available). 我们的约定满足学校的活动学分要求. 最重要的是,它们既有趣又有效!
毅力、力量和条件 underscores two central tenets of education: 

  • 在每个学生所在的地方见到他们
  • 支持学生发展(授权)观点

我们都是英雄——不仅仅是我们自己叙述中的英雄. 毅力、力量和条件 is the power of the individual to transform a challenge into an asset and give expression to Solebury’s mission, 课堂内外都有. Our coaching addresses the “whole” person along their entire journey at Solebury. 强调自我宣传技巧, 我们致力于拓宽教育经验, 提升自信, 积极的社会互动. Our coaching equips your student with the mindset and ways of being necessary to succeed academically, 以及在社交和情感上的发展. Our goal is to set our students on the road to a healthy life and personal success.

有效地生产所需产品, 可持续发展的, 甚至是难以想象的结果, 运动 coaching (aka fitness/strength and conditioning) is integrated with both 食物 and 心态 work. 我们称之为“三大支柱”.
Our individualized coaching begins with a comprehensive assessment across the 3 Pillars. Using the assessment we design a coaching journey that runs three months and has both an in-person and virtual component. All of our offers (individual or group) are dynamic and can be immediately switched to an entirely virtual eng年龄ment as necessary or requested.


这个支柱是通过学习我们的身体如何运动来表达的, 没有痛苦, 为了表现得最好. 我们根据每个学生的独特目标设计运动项目, anything from advancing overall fitness level or improving a sport-related skill, 开发代理和有效性. 有了坚实的基础, healthy body we can effectively accomplish our goals and flexibly pursue our aspirations.

每台机器都需要适当的维护和燃料, 所以这个支柱是关于支撑我们的东西——身体和灵魂. We focus on how to effectively feed our bodies and minds so that we move effectively and be our best selves. 具体地说, we educate and coach our students on the areas and tools that fuel and help maintain their active lives: sleep, 营养, 正念, 智力和社会发展. Graceful and powerful movement cannot be achieved without proper sustenance.

一个人如何看待世界以及我们与世界的关系, is the very essence of what makes it possible to excel at our chosen endeavors and deal with the stresses of daily living. 而运动和食物是每个人生活的关键方面, we see 心态 as the critical—and an often overlooked—component of a well-lived life. Our students come to embrace the notion that they are the prime movers of their life. They develop a confidence in their ability to craft and own their successes and failures. Once our student defines the life they want (we call that “being your best self”), 我们的角色是提供基本的思维工具(方法), 视角, 以及问责制)他们需要实现这一目标.


We got our start providing strength and conditioning coaching to Solebury’s 运动 teams a number of years ago. We are a team of Board of Education-vetted coaches that have worked with independent schools for the past 11 years. We believe what we do is foundational and how we express it is constantly evolving.





从本质上讲,教练只是一个想法. 因为思想没有空间和时间的界限, we can harness their power in every conversation and each eng年龄ment; be it in-person at the Solebury 运动 center or virtually.

If you would like to inquire about the specific coaching offers 毅力、力量和条件 provides, 或登记, 请通过fitness@solebury联系教练.org.